Sushmita's tattoo fetish is a known fact. Recently, she got herself inked with a brand new tattoo on her left arm in Latin. Curious to know what it's all about? There is a story behind every celebrity tattoo? Let's enjoy...

On her left arm, Sushmita has a tattoo that reads 'Temptation' with the T shaped like a dagger. Her right arm has a tattoo that says 'Glory to God alone'. Intrestinly, her favourite tattoo is that of a tiger cub on her lower back. Sush's latest tattoo reads, 'Aut viam inveniam aut faciam', which means 'I'll either find a way or make one." Sush explained that it's a dictum that she lives by.
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On her left arm, Sushmita has a tattoo that reads 'Temptation' with the T shaped like a dagger. Her right arm has a tattoo that says 'Glory to God alone'. Intrestinly, her favourite tattoo is that of a tiger cub on her lower back. Sush's latest tattoo reads, 'Aut viam inveniam aut faciam', which means 'I'll either find a way or make one." Sush explained that it's a dictum that she lives by.
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