Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Street Style by Tommy Ton


Naomi Campbell

O que aconteceu com o cabelo de...

Fearne Cotton

Que fofo esse lo...

Tips on Caring for Short Hairstyles

Short Hair Style Tips Caring. For you who want to change the discount or haircut, maybe going on for a long or short, needs to pay attention and recognize faces or even used to form your habits. For the changing hairstyles you can make the whole appearance changed, too. So do the home cut, select the best for you, long or short.But if you like and have short hairstyles, there are several criteria and suitability for the appropriate model of short hair for girls, like the following example:1. Faced or was petiteCreate mini-faced girl who allegedly better suited to short hair style, because long hair will make the face of "drowning".2. Diligent to the salon and stylingIf you have a short haircut and hair style biasr want to keep neat, you should...

Monday, June 28, 2010

Street Style by Tommy Ton


Kristen Stewart

Confesso, não sou fã de carteirinha da saga, mas eu até gosto.Adorei o cabelo dela nessa cor, deixou ela mas se...

Emo Hairstyle be the Trend of Young People this Year

Emo has been associated with emotional, introverted, and shy. Having a deep emotion described by music, fashion and style. One of the few signs it is the application of emo hair styles. Emo hairstyles have become social trends increased in recent years. It started back in the 1980s but seems to have morphed throughout the years. Emo does not always have a strict definition of what kind of hair style is right has but more to do with each person. The hairstyles can mean different things to different people.Are you talking about emo hairstyles for boys, boys, or girls emo, hairstyles will often involve black hair surrounded by brightly colored feathers feathers with long bangs brushed to one side (often covering one eye), and sometimes sharp asymmetric...

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Emo Hairstyle For Girl

Emo Hair Model, Hairstyle Emo Girl, Hair Emo Girl, Emo Hairstyle in 2...

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Make Emo Hairstyles

Emo HairstylesOne of the styles so that children become cool and the surroundings is considered by Emo Hairstyles.Why did I choose emo hair of many other models, it's because I personally think this is the best modelBesides that actually has a lot of emo hair is selected in a manga (Japanese comics), you'll see her boyfriend most of the characters there are elements of emoWhen you really want to change into emo hair styles, there are some important things you must consider:Emo Hairstyles girls and guysA key part of the emo style is to have "bangs", which is among the front hair right ear and left you till your eyes, by growing these parts you already have the basis of a cool emo hair style. Long bangs are not to be the same between the left...

2010 Hairstyles Trends Priority to Simplicity and Natural Beauty

2010 Hair Style Trends with emphasis on simplicity and beauty. Some info about the hair style trends in 2010. Hair Model 2010 what would be fame and longer trends. So I put together some information for you about hair trends for your reference later in 2010 to beautify and be more cool with the latest hairstyles trends and more. Obviously you also want the first one haircut other uses than others, it has thrilled if we are always first make it trendy. Let us refer to some experts such as Rudi Hadisuwarno hairdresser and Tony and Guy.Rudy adore the theme of the artistic team wants to make women look amazing and unpretentious with a new hairdo. According to Rudy, a woman can look beautiful and stunning with a fixed priority to simplicity and...

Friday, June 25, 2010

Givenchy Spring - 2011 Menswear

PARIS, June 25, 2...

Thursday, June 24, 2010

BLVD: Tukinowaguma 3rd Anniversary Hair Show

Hi everyone:)Tukinowaguma will hold an hair show as 3rd Anniversary!http://slurl.com/secondlife/The%20Renaissance%20Galleria/192/62/1009do not miss ...

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Dsquared² Menswear - Spring 2011

MILAN, June 22, 2010O que eu não daria para estar na primeira fila, he...

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Miley Cyrus, Victoria Beckham & Cristina Aguilera - Christian Louboutin.

O queridinho das famosas. Christian Louboutin.Onde encontrar?saks, é claro!R$: 2.757,32 Apenas...

Emo Hairstyle | Various Hair Styles

Emo Hairstyle explained that emo hair style to make young people interested in taking it. even though their current schools have banned use of such hair. because it is not polite and only in use for a happy eater. Another case for people who are already working. can make the hair style according to their own favorite. examples of hair styles: various hair stylesExamples of hair styles:prom hairstylesshort hairstyleskate gosselin hairstylecelebrity hairstyleslong hairstyles emo hairstylemedium length hairstyles black hairstyles layered hairstyles latest hairstyles formal hairsty...

Frankie Sandford

Lindo demais esse corte de cabelo, estou pensando em corta igual. Coragem eu tenho, só falta vontade, por que já faz tempo que eu tenho cabelo curto, estou tentando deixar cresc...

Tom Cruise & Kate Holmes


Cheryl Cole


Monday, June 21, 2010

Moschino Menswear Spring 2011

Direto das passarelas de Milão, 21 de junho de 2...

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