Saturday, January 19, 2008

How do you imagine yourself ten years from now?

Funny comment from a reader:This is SO interesting. I'm an "old lady" by anyone's standards posting on this site. I was curious about this whole "emo" and "scene" thing as my niece has recently changed her look and style pretty drastically.In some ways, in reading all these posts, I can only laugh... But the majority, I can totally relate to, appreciate, (and sigh!... remember) what it was like growing up, ESPECIALLY "coming of age" through the **`70's!** and partying even harder through the `80's (guess that tells you how really ancient I am..LOL)...Anyway, we had the same diverse groups and identities, just with different names or interests than you do today. I'm sure it was all a little more "regionally" based back in my day too. We didn't have, or couldn't even fathom the the incredible...

Friday, January 18, 2008

Get a celebrity updo in minutes--by yourself

Are you amazed by all the celebrity updo hair styles you see at all the awards ceremonies? Love the look, but don't have a $300/hour hair stylist that can create the same updo for you?Then, you will want to check out this cool new hair tool called the Twistii. It is a very simple tool that you can use to create a celebrity style on your very own. (This tool will work for even the most challenged person when it comes to creating updos)All you do is put your hair between the rubber band and plastic bending part and roll your hair up, pinning in place with a long stick.Check it out here: Twistii - The Up Do Hair Styling T...

Get a celebrity updo in minutes--by yourself

Are you amazed by all the celebrity updo hair styles you see at all the awards ceremonies? Love the look, but don't have a $300/hour hair stylist that can create the same updo for you?Then, you will want to check out this cool new hair tool called the Twistii. It is a very simple tool that you can use to create a celebrity style on your very own. (This tool will work for even the most challenged person when it comes to creating updos)All you do is put your hair between the rubber band and plastic bending part and roll your hair up, pinning in place with a long stick.Check it out here: Twistii - The Up Do Hair Styling T...

Friday, January 4, 2008

Emo Fashion Advice

by cakecakeIf you truly want to change yourself and become emo, your going to have to undergo many stages, although you'll need patience.Step 1.Grow out your hair long enough to the point where the side bangs go past your chin, because that frames your face and makes your face look more slender, you can have the rest of your hair that length.Step 2.There are two options when it comes to hair straightening....Option 1:Buy a decent hair straightener, not some cheap one that you'll throw away in 3 months... One that will last you good as a buddy, seeing how you have curly hair, if you do have a decent hair straightener I suggest you put it on a high temperature, not too high or within months you'll get noticeable amounts of frizzy ugly nappy split...

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