Sunday, November 25, 2007


Emo hairstyles are similar to the hairstyles of music artists in the 1980s and the punk hairstyles in the past decade. Commonly, emo hairstyles include straight black hair with long bangs or fringes styled to one side, covering part of the face and eyes. However, the emo hairstyle is not limited to this anymore; styles have evolved so that anybody who wants to have an emo hairstyle can get one.CHECK THE SHAPE OF YOUR FACEThe shape of your face is important when choosing a specific emo hairstyle. For people who have longer faces, a longer emo haircut would fit. For those with rounder faces, long fringes and short hair at the back would look best.FIND A PICTURENow that you know what kind of emo hairstyle would look good with the face of your shape, the next thing to do is find a picture with...

Saturday, November 17, 2007

Another Emoboy with a Heart

Got this tru email. Another hot emoboy with a really nice emo hair. His name is Charles Brindle. Visit his myspace profile and be inspired.. He also cut his own hair and do the same for his friends.. talented..I'm a fairly extroverted person who enjoys reading, hanging out, poetry, artwork, and computers. I spend a lot of time working on artwork and reading particularly. You'll find me in coffee shops most of the time, probably working on one of these things. I absolutely love coffee and without it I probably wouldn't get as much done as I do. Starbuck's frapicinos rule 2, along with BK Joes, and Sheri's coffee. Helps to curve my ADD anyway (at least that’s what I keep telling myself.)Right now I'm running a small business and trying to make...

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Do you know about this hair trick?

Secret to reducing frizzy hairMany professional stylists have a whole hat full of hair styling tricks that they sometimes share with their clients. Of course they don't want to give away all of their secrets!A great hair style trick that is really amazing is the concept of cool/cold. When you take a shower and you shampoo/condition, you can turn the water to cold during the last few minutes of your shower for amazing frizz control.The cold water closes up the cuticle so that it can not absorb as much moisture anymore. Frizz happens when the hair absorbs and holds moisture.Another great trick that is very similar is to switch your blow dryer to the cool setting (or press the cool blast button if you have one) after your hair is dry. This also...

Do you know about this hair trick?

Secret to reducing frizzy hairMany professional stylists have a whole hat full of hair styling tricks that they sometimes share with their clients. Of course they don't want to give away all of their secrets!A great hair style trick that is really amazing is the concept of cool/cold. When you take a shower and you shampoo/condition, you can turn the water to cold during the last few minutes of your shower for amazing frizz control.The cold water closes up the cuticle so that it can not absorb as much moisture anymore. Frizz happens when the hair absorbs and holds moisture.Another great trick that is very similar is to switch your blow dryer to the cool setting (or press the cool blast button if you have one) after your hair is dry. This also...

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