Friday, August 31, 2007

Go ahead, get bangs

Bangs are hot this fall. Add them to just about any hair style for an awesome look.Wear them chopped, short, wispy, long, side-swept, angled or just IN YOUR FACE!Bangs are THE hair accessory you need for this fall.See lots of bangs at http://www.hrbangs....

Go ahead, get bangs

Bangs are hot this fall. Add them to just about any hair style for an awesome look.Wear them chopped, short, wispy, long, side-swept, angled or just IN YOUR FACE!Bangs are THE hair accessory you need for this fall.See lots of bangs at http://www.hrbangs....

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Scene Kid Hairstyles

Some really nice scene kid hair images. Visit the gallery he...

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Medium Bob with Bangs

The Comeback of the Bob Hair StyleThe bob hair style is showing up everywhere this fall. There are short versions, long versions, medium versions and that doesn't even include the ones with all sorts of bangs.The blunt bob, see photo left, works great to draw your attention to facial features such as the eyes and lips.The bangs are kept silky straight and long--almost in your eyes.See more bob hair styles at the new Hair Zingers Site;http://www.hairzingers....

Medium Bob with Bangs

The Comeback of the Bob Hair StyleThe bob hair style is showing up everywhere this fall. There are short versions, long versions, medium versions and that doesn't even include the ones with all sorts of bangs.The blunt bob, see photo left, works great to draw your attention to facial features such as the eyes and lips.The bangs are kept silky straight and long--almost in your eyes.See more bob hair styles at the new Hair Zingers Site;http://www.hairzingers....

Friday, August 24, 2007

Emo Hair

The band "Refused" popularised the emo hair with their uniform appearance in this music video for the "New Noise" single.As with clothing, the hairstyles of emo kids vary depending on the individual and on his/her music influences. However, there are several common aspects of emo hairstyles.For one, because the emo scene is very DIY-oriented, hair that is not professionally cut is considered to be more scene than hair that is. Emo kids have their friends cut their hair, or they cut it themselves. Jet black, bleached blonde, or dark hair with a reddish or purplish tinge are all very emo, as is hair with distinct sections of contrasting colors (all-over black hair with a section of bleached blonde in the undermost layer of the back is quite common).Emo hair is short-ish, and does not differ...

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Emo Hair 01

This emo hairstyle is accompanied with dark eye makeup and a light colored face. You can place a temporary tattoo of a teardrop underneath the visible e...

Center Parts

How do you part your hair?For years now, the deep side part or zig-zag part has been in style. Now, we are seeing the return of the center part.This type of style is very simple and straightforward to create on your own. Simply apply a straightening cream throughout your damp hair. Blow dry the hair using a large round brush to direct all layers down. For the extra smooth finish, you can run a flat iron through your hair from roots to the ends. Finish off with a blast of shine serum.You can leave your hair all down, or pull back a small section of hair in the crown area and secure into a low ponytail in the back.This style can be worn for just about any occasion. For formal occasions, dress it up a bit with a decorative barrette or fancy headband....

Center Parts

How do you part your hair?For years now, the deep side part or zig-zag part has been in style. Now, we are seeing the return of the center part.This type of style is very simple and straightforward to create on your own. Simply apply a straightening cream throughout your damp hair. Blow dry the hair using a large round brush to direct all layers down. For the extra smooth finish, you can run a flat iron through your hair from roots to the ends. Finish off with a blast of shine serum.You can leave your hair all down, or pull back a small section of hair in the crown area and secure into a low ponytail in the back.This style can be worn for just about any occasion. For formal occasions, dress it up a bit with a decorative barrette or fancy headband....

Thursday, August 16, 2007

More info about emo boy Tom Falcone

Tom actually recently cut his hair off, but in the picture it was a short-medium length shaggy cut. A few layers in the front so it can be swept off to the side. Actually if you go to CIWWAF's myspace, or I think Tom still has some older pictures up on his myspace that show his hair better than my picture does. Like I said he's recently cut it short but I prefer the longer style he had going a few months ago.As for what I know about him, he's only about 5'5"-5'7", brown hair, brown eyes. He honestly is one of the sweetest guys I've met. He's a bit shy, but if you can find him I highly recommend talking to him. He's incredibly nice and gives the best hugs. Very gracious this tru emailthanks to Andraea...

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Blonde: Shorter than Shoulder Gallery

Another gallery for emo girls with blonde hair shorter than shoulder. The usual emo hair for females: cut short, just above the shoulders. Tips and streaks are the most widely used version. Side bangs is also a common tra...

Emo: A Mosh Pit Of Sound

Sadly, a lot of people have very limited opinions (and ideas) about emotional hardcore music, or emo music. Some would even assume that for as long as the lyrics aren't clear and the lead vocalist is singing on hyper drive, then it must be emo music. What most of you didn't know is that emo developed from music recorded on vinyl. It can be considered Indie, sure, but it most probably emerged into being before they even had a name for it. With its roots in hardcore punk, emo music is bringing the core of punk music into a whole different level. With people buying more CDs, downloading stuff off the net, and investing in music hardware or software like there was no tomorrow, I wouldn't be surprised if emo music became another solid category all...

Sunday, August 12, 2007

Got this tru email

Thanks Ale00123 from Chihuahua, Mexico for sending us his picture. He is such a cute emo boy and his emo hairstyle looks great on h...

Friday, August 10, 2007

Faux Hawk

A toned-down version of the famous mohawk haircut popularized by David Beckham. Instead of shaving the side of your head, you just glue up the middle part or make the central strip of hair stand up so that it is in the style of the mohawk. The faux hawk resembles the mohawk when styled but can also, if desired, appear to be a conventional emo hairsty...

Fall Hair Styles

Renew your hair style for fallAs the summer is winding down, much attention is drawn to preparing for school. If you want to change your hair style, what are the options and what is in style this fall.Hair style preview. Almost every hair style that is popular today features some sort of layering. The runway models have long layered hair that is curled, straightened or even teaseed for a full look. The medium bob hair style features long layers with the front layers being slightly longer than the back. Short hair styles are full with lots of layering and texturizing.If you don't know what hair cut you want to get, but you know you want to make some sort of change, then maybe you should consider these options:1. Add just a few highlights to...

Fall Hair Styles

Renew your hair style for fallAs the summer is winding down, much attention is drawn to preparing for school. If you want to change your hair style, what are the options and what is in style this fall.Hair style preview. Almost every hair style that is popular today features some sort of layering. The runway models have long layered hair that is curled, straightened or even teaseed for a full look. The medium bob hair style features long layers with the front layers being slightly longer than the back. Short hair styles are full with lots of layering and texturizing.If you don't know what hair cut you want to get, but you know you want to make some sort of change, then maybe you should consider these options:1. Add just a few highlights to...

Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Send us your pictures!

This blog is all about emo hairstyles. If you have an emo hairstyle and would like to be featured on this blog, just send us an email to with your pictures. It would be nice if you add instructions on how to achieve your haircut but not really required. We would be happy to link back to your myspace or bebo profile. You could also hold a sign saying :)...

Monday, August 6, 2007

A modern love

The "shag" cut, with the so called "emo sweep" at the front, sloped to cover, so only one eye is visible for most parts. Emo hairstyles does not necessarily have to be short and hidden face sort of thing though it is usually of that fashion.Purer...

Friday, August 3, 2007

Personalized Hoodies of Pete Wentz, where to buy?

Does anyone know what brand of hoodies does Pete Wentz wear? Or does he go for customized hoodies from his Clandestine clothing line? I've been searching online but cant seem to find that much info.The hoodies used to be sold at Urban Outfitters, but no longer is. The hoodie that is almost the exact same is being sold at an H&M store. I have one hoodie and I got it from their men's department. Too bad H&M doesn't have an online store. I want to add more hoodies to my collection.I dig his hoodies and the guys low rise jeans he wears. I also want to have those guy clothing but I dont know where to buy. If any emo there knows, your comment is highly appreciated.So far, only got this information: - You...

Thursday, August 2, 2007

Emo Model: Pete Wentz

Emo boy Pete Wentz recently signed a deal with DKNY to make his Clandestine Industries clothing line available to all emos. An emo inspired clothing line - the dark hues and texture of rock and roll with dark denim and leather, but mixing it up with softer fabrics and feminine pops of color. Now we can buy the same hoodies he we...

Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Another Blue Hair

Emo or anime? Blue hair on a female emo girl tends to indicate shyness or introversion, a correspondence which seems to have originated with Ami "Sailor Mercury" Mizuno from Sailor Moon. - tvtropes....

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