Monday, July 30, 2007

How to create emo hairstyle by yourself?

It depends on the style that you want. Basically, Emo hairstyle are unconstructed and unblended look showing lots of texture. If you do a search for Emo Hairstyles, you'll find a ton of pictures to choose your look from. Once you have the cut, blow dry with some gel or a mousse, and then a pomade will give you that broken up grunge look that many of the Emo style ha...

Sunday, July 29, 2007

Red Highlight

Long black hair with splurges of bright red highlight. You can also try blond streaks at the front if you don't like red. Layers would be good to achieve this hairsty...

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Cute Emo boy Tom Falcone

The guy with the lip ring. Cute Is What We Aim For drummer.The cutest emo boy!...

Friday, July 20, 2007

Emo Music

Emo music is the boat that brought the term “emo” down the river. Emo music is a type of hardcore punk music. They type of music has slowly evolved over the years. This typic of music is very melodramatic and filled with lyrics of a depressing state. Emo music is said to have began with DC bands like Embrace and Rites of Spring but is in not limited to them, in 1985. Basically, the sound involved a slower and emotional (therefore the name "emo") version of hardcore music. The vocals are generally sung in a whiny sounding voice, or with screams that leave the lyrics indistinguishable. Emo music today has created many opposite and contradicting combinations that all proclaim to be emo, rendering it somewhat useless. Here are some examples: there's political, scream-and-flail-on-the-floor, emo...

Monday, July 16, 2007

Emo Love


Emo Band: Cute is What We Aim For

The band Cute is What We Aim For was created in Buffalo, NY in 2005. This pop rock band began with four members but currently has three. The members include Shaant Hacikyan on vocals, Jeff Czum on guitar and piano, and Tom Falcone on drums. When the original members decided to take Cute Is What We Aim For to a new level, each had a difficult parting of ways with their other bands. The band got out to a rough start, having negative vibes from their other bands and even accusations of plagiarism. They also had issues with their debut album, The Same Old Blood Rush with a New Touch, when the founder of charged them with using auto pitch/tone correcting software. Nevertheless, the release of their debut album in 2006 debuted at...

Saturday, July 14, 2007

Blue Emo Hair

by InyoFor a portion of the summer, I had the opportunity to dye my hair blue. Having blue hair is an enjoyable experience I'd suggest to anyone, it certainly makes life interesting. It helped get through a summer in a very boring town. But I sure did get a lot of weird comments. They ranged as anything from 'is that natural?' to 'did you spill paint on your hair?' Probably the most common questions I got from old people was 'It's just for the summer right?' or 'does it wash out?' Also common was 'Why?'. (it's something you cant really explain to a redneck in a convenience store in Nevada). Most younger people asked me 'whoa, how'd you get that color?' or 'what type of dye did you use?' When my parents saw it they simply said 'Whoa.. it IS...

Friday, July 13, 2007

Pete Wentz Owns 730 Hoodies

According to the August issue of J-14, America's no. 1 emo boy Pete Wentz owns 730 hoodies.I have two year' worth of hoodies, wearing a different one every day. A lot of people in the hardcore scene used to wear them. It's also like a comfort blanket. Long after I started wearing them, my manager told me that Bob Dylan would wear hoodies on tour. And when the hoodie was up, you couldn't talk to him. I was like, "That's amazin...

Thursday, July 12, 2007

Emo Girls Long Hairstyle Gallery

Here is a gallery of long emo hairstyles for girls. There are 105 pictures overall. May you find the style your looking f...

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Emo boy Shaant Hacikyan

What can you say about Shaants' hair? This is the perfect example of a shaggy emo hair that hangs over the side of one's face, covering your desired eye in a side bang type fashion. Shaants' hair is long and partially hide his face, sometimes covering his eyes.Achieving this is very simple. Just grow your hair long enough and employ a hair gel or a wax to keep your bangs right where you want it. A medium hold gel would be the best option to achieve this hairstyle.More about ShaantLead vocalist of Cute Is What We Aim ForHis name is pronounced ShawntHe is turkish from his dadLast name is haw-sik-eanHe used to smoke but he quitHe used to be an alcoholicLives in the BIG AppleHe is 20 somethingSingle - might be taken by now...

Friday, July 6, 2007

Weekly Emo Roundup

13 Emo Tattoo Photos from EmoStuff.Shakespeare Hates Your Emo Poems T-shirt from Threadless.Emo VideosHow Indie Are You Emo? - sort of funny. "It's a word document! ha ha ha.Investigators: EMO Music - some sort of documentary. I don't know if you'll like it or n...

Thursday, July 5, 2007

Pon and Zi

Watch this video of Pon and Zi. They are the two cute little emo cartoon characters created by Azuzephre. Very adorable. Too bad they dont sport any emo hair style. They dont have hai...

Monday, July 2, 2007

Your So Emo.....

Sure, we have all seen the people with the jet black hair, the extremely small, tight-fitting, shirts, and the kids with the cut-up wrists. But do we know who they are exactly? Most people would generally refer to them as “emo” but, what really is emo? Emo is a slang term derived from the word “emotional”. Emo is also a term for emotionally-charged punk rock. The word can be used to describe the emotional state of a teenage (usually a depressed state), the person in general, or the emotionally-charged type of music. More often than not, emo is seen as a degrading term, inferring that the person being called emo is depressed, a whiner, and one who cuts their wrist for the heck of it. Wikipedia describes as a style of fashion or music; or a general state of unhappiness or melancholy...

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