Friday, June 29, 2007

Emo band: Cute Is What We Aim For: The Curse Of Curve

This video is so damn hot. Its full of beautiful emo people. Shaant Hacikyan, the vocalist got the best emo haircut. Love his hair. Its amaizng and super cool. Shaant sings out of the side of his mouth. When he sings, his mouth goes to the side but its hot the way he does it. And oh, the song is awesome too.Love his hair, love his li...

Thursday, June 28, 2007

New Hair Styles

Finding a new hair styleIt just got 10 times easier to find a new hair style online. Be sure to check out a brand new site, brought to you by Hair Resources, that features tons of new hair styles and great tips to improve your hair style or the condition of your hair.Check it out now,

New Hair Styles

Finding a new hair styleIt just got 10 times easier to find a new hair style online. Be sure to check out a brand new site, brought to you by Hair Resources, that features tons of new hair styles and great tips to improve your hair style or the condition of your hair.Check it out now,

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Poisonthehat, aka Electrocuute

This is Poisonthehat. Probably, most of you emo guys would like to have this look. Here is the instruction and the tools you need to achieve this emo hairstyle according to Poisonthehat himself.In his own words:"Well, there are a couple of different "emo hair styles" I guess you could say. If you're looking for something like the picture above, then I can pretty much tell you everything I do to my hair, because that's me. I can still help you with whatever you're looking for though, since I've been through a couple of different "emo hair styles". I didn't part my hair in the picture above, but I usually do."The basics of emo hair:-A flat iron straightener (a MUST have)-Black hair dye-Some sort of hair product, not sure what they're called but...

Friday, June 15, 2007

About Emo Hairstyles

'Emo' stands for EMOTIONAL HARDCORE and not just EMOTIONAL! To call it "emotional" is just listing one of its traits. Besides, ALL music are emotional anyways so that's a pretty stupid definition. Emo is a culture that has its own values, ideals, an emotional investment and of course fashion. They do not believe in conforming to mainstream fashion or trends. Emos want to be different and therefore create their own distinct styles. That is why it’s not surprising that Emo hairstyles break the mold as well.Probably nothing characterizes the Emo look more than the Emo hairstyle. Typical Emo haircuts are characterized by asymmetrical lines, bold highlights, usually red or white and a jet black hair. An emo girl or an emo boy dye their hair jet...

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