Wednesday, August 16, 2006

David Beckman Hair Styles

Photorazzi/Graffiti ExpressDavid Beckman Hair StylesThis week's selection of the best hair style is David Beckman. He is wearing a medium to long length hair style with longer layers on top and shorter layers on the sides and back.Create this style on your own with the use of hair care products, such as gels and pomades.Regular hair cuts and layering will help keep a hair style like David Beckmans in tip top sha...

David Beckman Hair Styles

Photorazzi/Graffiti ExpressDavid Beckman Hair StylesThis week's selection of the best hair style is David Beckman. He is wearing a medium to long length hair style with longer layers on top and shorter layers on the sides and back.Create this style on your own with the use of hair care products, such as gels and pomades.Regular hair cuts and layering will help keep a hair style like David Beckmans in tip top sha...

Monday, August 7, 2006

Eva Longoria Hair Styles

Eva Longoria Hair StylesEva has a long, layered wavy hair style that looks fabulous. Various highlights and lowlights spread throughout the hair make it a very dynamic look.Visit the Eva Longoria hair styles page for specific info on creating this style on your own. Photorazzi/David Gab...

Eva Longoria Hair Styles

Eva Longoria Hair StylesEva has a long, layered wavy hair style that looks fabulous. Various highlights and lowlights spread throughout the hair make it a very dynamic look.Visit the Eva Longoria hair styles page for specific info on creating this style on your own. Photorazzi/David Gab...

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