Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Best Hair Style This Week, May 30, 2006

Photo courtesy of Photorazzi/Glenn HarrisBest Hair Style of The Week- May 30, 2006This week we have selected two hair styles instead of one. Both of these hair styles have become very popular. They are Katherine McPhee and Taylor Hicks. Taylor is the winner of the 2006 American Idol competition on Fox, and Katherine is the runner up.Katherine McPhee: The long curly hair is very much in style and Katherine has made it even more popular. She has mentioned that she had hair extensions attached at some point and just loves the way her hair looks.To create the Katherine McPhee hair style, you will need to apply a curl-enhancing creme or gel throughout the hair. Then use a blow-dryer with a diffuser attached. Dry the hair using your fingers, or...

Best Hair Style This Week, May 30, 2006

Photo courtesy of Photorazzi/Glenn HarrisBest Hair Style of The Week- May 30, 2006This week we have selected two hair styles instead of one. Both of these hair styles have become very popular. They are Katherine McPhee and Taylor Hicks. Taylor is the winner of the 2006 American Idol competition on Fox, and Katherine is the runner up.Katherine McPhee: The long curly hair is very much in style and Katherine has made it even more popular. She has mentioned that she had hair extensions attached at some point and just loves the way her hair looks.To create the Katherine McPhee hair style, you will need to apply a curl-enhancing creme or gel throughout the hair. Then use a blow-dryer with a diffuser attached. Dry the hair using your fingers, or...

Wednesday, May 24, 2006

What's new this week at HR Hair Styles

New Celebrity Hair StylesThis week(May 22, 2006) there are 11 new celebrity photo additions. The celebrities are selected based on the uniqueness of their hair styles. We try to include a big variety of looks to give you the best ideas for your own hair.Below is a summary of the celebrity hair styles addedLindsey Lohan, partial updoEva Longoria, long hair styleNich Lachey, medium men's hair styleJennifer Lopez, messy updoAshton Kutcher, mystery hair styleJon Bon Jovi, long layered men's hair styleTeri Hatcher, long wavy, layered hair styleAvril Lavigne, extra long curly blonde hair styleShakira, straight, partial updo hair styleSalma Hayek, long, slightly wavy hair styleMartha Stewart, medium length layered hair styleIf you visit the various...

What's new this week at HR Hair Styles

New Celebrity Hair StylesThis week(May 22, 2006) there are 11 new celebrity photo additions. The celebrities are selected based on the uniqueness of their hair styles. We try to include a big variety of looks to give you the best ideas for your own hair.Below is a summary of the celebrity hair styles addedLindsey Lohan, partial updoEva Longoria, long hair styleNich Lachey, medium men's hair styleJennifer Lopez, messy updoAshton Kutcher, mystery hair styleJon Bon Jovi, long layered men's hair styleTeri Hatcher, long wavy, layered hair styleAvril Lavigne, extra long curly blonde hair styleShakira, straight, partial updo hair styleSalma Hayek, long, slightly wavy hair styleMartha Stewart, medium length layered hair styleIf you visit the various...

Monday, May 22, 2006

Best Hair Style May 22, 2005

Best Hair StylesThis week's best hair style is Martha Stewart's medium length hair style. Options this spring are even greater as the curly hair style is back in style, along with the ever popular straight long hair style.This week's Best Hair Style was selected because it is totally different than all the long, curly or straight hair styles you see today. The hair style features lots of layering and is medium in length.Martha Stewart Hair StylesNot only is she the queen of cooking (and everything else) but this week she receives the Best Hair Style of the week award.Her medium length hair style (also seen at http://www.hairresources.com/and http://www.hrhairstyles.com/) features many long layers, starting around the cheekbone level.Her bangs...

Best Hair Style May 22, 2005

Best Hair StylesThis week's best hair style is Martha Stewart's medium length hair style. Options this spring are even greater as the curly hair style is back in style, along with the ever popular straight long hair style.This week's Best Hair Style was selected because it is totally different than all the long, curly or straight hair styles you see today. The hair style features lots of layering and is medium in length.Martha Stewart Hair StylesNot only is she the queen of cooking (and everything else) but this week she receives the Best Hair Style of the week award.Her medium length hair style (also seen at http://www.hairresources.com/and http://www.hrhairstyles.com/) features many long layers, starting around the cheekbone level.Her bangs...

Top Hair Style And Fashion Trend of Winona Ryder

Winona Ryder Winona Laura Horowitz (lahir 29 Oktober, 1971), lebih dikenal dengan nama profesional Winona Ryder-nya, adalah seorang aktris. Dia membuat debut filmnya di tahun 1986 film Lucas. peran penting pertama Ryder datang di Tim Burton’s Beetlejuice (1988) sebagai remaja gothic, yang memenangkan pengakuan dia kritis dan komersial. Setelah membuat berbagai penampilan dalam film dan televisi, Ryder melanjutkan karirnya dengan kultus Heathers film (1989), sebuah satir kontroversial bunuh diri remaja dan kehidupan sekolah tinggi, yang menarik perhatian lebih lanjut Ryder kritis dan komersial. Setelah memainkan peran beragam dalam film banyak diterima dengan baik, Ryder memenangkan Golden Globe Award untuk Aktris Pendukung Terbaik dan...

Ausia Marvella -Top Hair Style And Fashion Trend Top Hair Style And Fashion Trend

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